Mohamed Saad dazzles the audience with his performance in "Treasure 2" .. and ripping the mantle of the lamp


During the Eid al-Adha film festival, the artist Mohamed Saad addressed his audience with the character of "Bakir El-Halawani", the man of power and the state , who introduced him differently from all the characters he had previously interpreted.

Saad impressed the audience with the exceptional performance in which he abandoned the personality of Lampi, who has accompanied him for almost 10 years. Saad decided to tear this coat and wear a beautiful dress among the stars.

In previous statements to the Egyptian "Arab Arabic" artist, Mohamed Saad stated that he was seeking to completely change his skin in this character, which he had accepted immediately after his presentation, notably by working with the director Sherif Arafa, who had persuaded him for almost 10 years to introduce the character of Lampi.

For its part, the critic Tarek El Shennawy that Mohammed Saad was supposed to change movie since the presentation of the film Okal, and that it is not necessary for the success of the character in all the films, it is possible to fall in many movies, but the decision and make a character like "Bakir Halawani" in the movie The treasure is very important to him, especially since he has a lot of stars, and I think he's surpbaded everyone in this job.

The film critic Mohamed Kadry told Arab Egypt that the artist Mohamed Saad was considered the winning horse of this work, despite the presence of many stars in the same job, after being accustomed to the public in a particular character, he could change the view of this character.

He continued after the movie "Mohammed Hussein" in 2018, some thought that Mohamed Saad could return to the character of Lampi, but the surprise was in the second part of the "treasure", and that saw the work makes Mohamed Saad completely different from all the characters that he has presented.

"Treasure 2 "with Mohamed Saad, Mohamed Ramadan, Ahmed Rizk, Hind Sabri, Ruby, Ahmed Hatem, Hani Adel, Amina Khalil and written by Abdul Rahim Kamal, directed by Sherif Arafa.

The film is a treasure of 4 historical periods of the Egyptian reign of the Pharaonic era and the Mamluk era, of the Ottoman era then of the seventies, and deals with corruption and power. some clerics throughout the ages on power, counterfeiting and bad relations with the people..

It also shows how to badociate religion with politics in order to obtain positions, especially since the clergy deliberately color and falsify these falsifications in order to remain strong and maintain their positions..

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