Mohammed Al Rifi celebrates the closing ceremony of the "Winner" football championship


The management of the championship " won the winner " Ali Football singer
Mohammed Al Rifi to commemorate the closing ceremony to be held on August 8 in Porto Sharm, and the agreement is in progress
Is currently with other singers for the opening ceremony that falls on the 2nd of the same month, where an embbady will be presented
India A review of Indian dance on the sidelines of the celebration of World Yoga Day, to be celebrated
Bie on August 3rd.

Participating teams from most Arab countries,
Such as the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Libya, Palestine and Lebanon. India was chosen to be the guest country of this session,
There will also be a guest of honor, "Marco Arsiz", player of the Italian club Roma.

A press conference is organized to launch events
July 4th and at 7 pm at the Hilton Center hotel
World trade in the fifth-floor billiard room.

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