Mohammed Salah fails to disguise the city of Dubai


Mohammed Salah fails to disguise the city of Dubai .. Photos of the Akhbarna newspaper quoting Giulio we publish Mohammed Salah fails to disguise the city of Dubai .. Photos, Mohammed Salah fails to disguise the city of Dubai. Photos we publish our visitors

Our news Egyptian star Mohamed Salah, Liverpool midfielder, went to Dubai (United Arab Emirates) to finish his summer vacation after spending several years in the city of Dubai. Days in the Lebanese capital Beirut.

Muhammad Salah tried to hide from the camera while he was in the United Arab Emirates, he did not do it.

The disguise of the player has caused the public to recognize him again and insists on taking pictures with him, as he did when he tried to disguise during his recent trip to Beirut.

Salah hid his face with the long "hooded cardigan" that he wore with ripped jeans and tried to hide his features, but the fans gathered around him and began taking pictures with him to prove his failure to disguise himself. .

The Egyptian star will leave Dubai in the coming days for America with his wife and only daughter, Makkah, to spend the last days of his summer vacation and join his team camp before returning to Liverpool to prepare for the English season. Coach Juergen Klopp said his award-winning player would join the team on July 20th.

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(19659003) Source: Gololi

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