German coach Juergen Klub could not conceal his enthusiasm against the goal of Arsenal's five goals in the top 20 of the Premier League, but he notably talked about the Egyptian star Mohamed Salah after leaving the penalty for Fermino.
The Fermeno trio, Hidva Salah and Mani, led Liverpool to abandon Arsenal and finish Liverpool in 2018 at best.
Liverpool also took advantage of Tottenham 's time against Wolverhampton 3-1 at Wembley.
Klopp notably talked about giving Mohamed Salah the second K penalty, calculated for Liverpool for his colleague Roberto Fermino, although Salah competes with top scorers Obamyang and Harry Keane.
"We knew in the second half that the match would not end, but we wanted to take over." Salah gave Fermino the penalty, "I was about to cry because we know the importance of scoring. for Salah, "he said in a statement. anyway".
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