Monitoring environmental issues in Sidon following the implementation of the Ministry's report


The "Environmental Issues Monitoring Committee in Sidon" held a meeting to follow the problem of waste and defects in laboratory performance and foul odors and serious damage to people's health and safety. Environment and various aspects of daily and economic life.

and indicated in a statement that he was presenting the report prepared by the Technical Committee charged by the Minister of Environment Tariq Khatib on the state of the laboratory and the performance and performance deficiencies. Equipment and treatments necessary to stop the resulting damage. It will continue to follow up on the file with the various departments concerned and will closely monitor the implementation of the elements dealing with laboratory deficiencies and deficiencies contained in the report. The cessation of waste imports outside the Union of Sidon-Zahrani municipalities and the prevention of spillage of any kind of waste or residues in the marine basin and adjacent lands of the factory and the appropriate treatment of huge amounts of waste and residues. Stacked in the factory yards and in its vicinity, and other aspects.

The Authority reiterated the "refusal to import outside the Union of Sidon-Zahrani municipalities large quantities imported, especially from Beirut, which dump the amount of waste exceeding its Absorption capacity and rejects allegations that the stop of Beirut waste imports The capital is a waste: the import of Beirut is suspended for 16 days and the capital that provides an alternative to waste that she sent to the Saida factory has not been damaged, so we will never accept any attempt to return waste from Beirut to Sidon.


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