More than a thousand Syrians return today from Lebanon – Alankabout Spider – Lebanon News – Australia News


Syrian refugees are preparing to return to Syria from the border town of Arsal, Lebanon. (Reuters)

A new group of displaced Syrians in the Lebanese border camps of Arsal is returning today to Qalamoun al-Gharbia in Syria, about 1,200 displaced people. These are among the 3000 names that receive the gradual approval of the Syrian authorities to return.

This return takes place in the context of reconciliation with the Syrian regime and in coordination with the Lebanese public security. The result of a self-initiative among the IDPs themselves came last April. "The returnees told their relatives and relatives of the displaced people who are still in Lebanon that the situation is safe in their villages in Syria, which encourages the return," said the mayor of Arsal, Basil al- Hujairi. "

Al-Hujairi stressed that the Office of the High Commissioner for Displaced Persons will continue to let the new batch of displaced people through the Hamid Valley in West Kalamoon, and this has the right to know who will leave. speech on a Russian initiative for the return of displaced people "has not yet found an echo among the displaced, they must take concrete practical steps."

This voluntary return was preceded by a campaign led by the leader of the Free Patriotic Movement, Gebran Bbadil, to repel displaced people and Hezbollah measures to help displaced people return.The move coincides with a Lebanese-Russian contact on the back of the initiative Russian to form a Russian-Lebanese committee working in coordination with the United Nations to return the displaced to their regions Arsal's mayor told Al-Hayat: "The Hezb ollah can not dismiss IDPs and Minister Bbadil if they are not fully convinced that they can return home in a safe environment. "

The President's Adviser on Government Formation for displaced people, Nadim Mbada, reiterated that "the committee is apolitical and its security and logistics will soon begin its meetings, including meetings in Beirut". He stressed that "this may take time", it is likely that "close translations of this step, especially as the Russian side is very interested in achieving this".

He said in an interview with Voice of Lebanon that the communication between the Lebanese and Russian parties on the crisis of displaced Syrians is "not new but for several months". The Helsinki Summit (between Russian President Vladimir Putin and US President Donald Trump last Monday) Stressing that "the correct position of the displacement crisis can only be achieved by guarantees from the Great Powers and in coordination with the United Nations".

On July 4, Hezbollah announced the opening of its centers in Bekaa and the southern suburbs of Beirut and in the south to register those wishing to return to Syria. However, those who responded to the invitation did not go over the number until the last days, according to the party's return committee leader, ex-deputy Nawar al-Sabah. -Sahili "150 families". Al-Saheli told Al-Hayat that the party wanted to "send people back to safe areas and not to areas that are still witnessing the evolution of security, such as Idlib or Deir al-Zour" . He stressed that "the registered lists will be handed over to the Syrian authorities for approval".

Party officials received numerous contacts from displaced people in the Bekaa Valley and even Wadi Khaled in northern Lebanon, whether the return would be at the border or whether the group would bring them home. The party will offer them, according to some of the leaders of the "life" centers.

The head of the party registration center in Hermel said: "We do not guarantee, we register the names of people and their families and we tell them that we are able to ensure the transfer all your belongings.We collect the forms to submit to the concerned committee. "

On how to rebadure the displaced by the party, whose fighters are still in Syria, the head of the center said:" People and l & # 39; Human history is fighting and reconciling, reconciliation must take place and I think the displaced want reconciliation. "

The return to Qusayr and its campaign remains delayed, despite the desire of the displaced people to return to their homes rather than stay in the tent, because many of Qusayr's displaced are either dissidents of the Syrian army, either protesters. Saheli said: "We must find a way out of this issue." Al-Hujairi said that "according to his information, the file of the return to Qusayr is delayed by the Syrian authorities and Hezbollah. Except those who have control of the land, as well as return to the rural and short areas Does not require reconciliation but a general amnesty. "

Source: Al-Hayat Journal

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