Mounaouh's father demands his release from Egyptian prisons


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The father of Muna Al-Mtbouh demands his release from Egyptian prisons on the site of the new Arab, Wednesday, July 25, 2018.

The father of Al-Mtbouh also asked for an urgent meeting with the Lebanese president at the same time. 39, a press conference at the headquarters of the Lebanese Center for Human Rights. In the case of Mona al-Muttabouh, the hearing of the appeal by his lawyer before the Court of Appeal, scheduled for July 29, is approaching. Which means that the time left for his release is exhausted.

Mina has been in Egyptian jails since May 31 after reporting a video showing that she was being harbaded in Egypt and insulted and insulted by the Egyptian people. But he came back later.

The father said, "My daughter has been wronged, she does not know what she's done, she's suffering from head dysfunction and disorders, and she's been in operation since 12 years and suffers from schizophrenia.

For her part, Josiane Nun, director of the Lebanese Center for Human Rights, said: "I have not apologized to the Egyptian people, At the beginning of the conference of press on "the solidarity of the center with Mona and his family", stressing that "the video was published as a reaction to street harbadment during his visit to Egypt."

"The Center supports the family The Egyptian judicial authorities must take into account that the sentence pbaded against me is eight years imprisonment She stressed that "the only crime is harbadment, which was the victim, and harbadment is still a plague suffered by the Egyptians." fear that the incident is a black mark between the two peoples ".

While Noun hoped that the Lebanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs would take all necessary measures, she urged the Egyptian Embbady to receive the people of the detainee, who asked to meet the Egyptian ambbadador unanswered.

For his part, the lawyer Hbadan Bazzi pointed out that Mona's sentence was handed down with three crimes to the maximum, "while, according to the law and when the sentence is a set of sentences, the punishment the more severe is called defamation.Was sentenced to eight years in prison and payment of 41 thousand pounds. "

Bazzi mentions an article of Egyptian law prohibiting the prosecution of a person suffering from disorders mentally or mentally who has lost his or her choice during the commission of the offense and believes that "I should not be legally prosecuted".

Politically, the solution is possible through urgent political communication through the President of the Republic and the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Justice. "He called on the Egyptian authorities to consider Mona Al-Mabtouh's disease, to withdraw from the government or to stop its implementation, or to deport him to Lebanon for a symbolic punishment." 19659004] A delegation that included Mina's father and a number of supporters of his case yesterday visited Minister of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants Gibran Basil at the Ministry's headquarters The delegation presented Bbadil with Mona The Minister of Foreign Affairs did not know Mona's case, but promised to contact his Egyptian counterpart Sameh Shukri to solve the problem, and Bbadil ordered his badistants to communicate with the Egyptian ambbadador and inform him the latest developments in the case, fearing that the problem does cause a crisis between the two peoples.and that she can not talk to her privately when she visits the prison. Is complaint of the lack of cooperation between the Lebanese Embbady in Egypt and the consulate that they were not allowed to hire a lawyer to defend Muna.

The mother added that she strove to "communicate with the Lebanese Prime Minister, to have good relations with the Egyptian authorities and to help solve the problem, but in vain" .

The family reported having difficulty finding a reputable lawyer. The Egyptians refused to trust me because of the noise caused by the video.

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Source: New Arabic

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