MTV Lebanon – News


A number of environmental groups considered in a joint statement that the decisions of the Supreme Council for Hunting and Hunting "restore Lebanon 20 years ago, instead of moving towards responsible fishing and fishing. Law enforcement No. 580 of 2004 According to the data, the Board approved the decision to open the 2018-2019 fishing season from mid-August to the end of February 2019, an increase of 60 days compared to the 2017-2018 fishing season, which began in mid-September, it ended in late January and the Council, in a dangerous precedent, amended the hunting and fishing regulations. The endangered bird, and the tian bird, which benefits the farmer for what he eats, which paves the way for the extermination of all the small birds, who suffer mainly illegal and illegal fishing throughout the year. "

The Department Environment re draws lessons from the opening of the first hunting season and controls the numbers of birds caught, types and removal of thousands of violations of the law by night fishing and the use of sticky devices, lights, nets and smoke. Migratory and migratory birds once again succumb to the ambitions and desires of cartographers and hunting guns to earn more profits and continue to eradicate birds by consuming nearly 40 million fisheries that kill over 2.6 millions of birds a year. And the weakness and confusion of the relevant departmental agencies in issuing fishing permits on time, which has allowed 16,000 fishermen to break through the tens of thousands of legal fishing licenses that allow fishing by the procedure. "

Decisions taken by the Supreme Council of Terrestrial Fisheries will cause significant damage to breeding or stunting birds.The month of February on the coast of Lebanon is equivalent to the month of April in the mountains, So the breeding of birds starts this month in relatively warm areas.And the month of August is considered as part of the breeding season, especially for the birds that have been bred in Lebanon, as birds and others. "

and declared the adoption of" scientific opinion issued by Professor Ghbadan Jaradi "Reverse the decisions made by him and set the fishing season within the time limits set by the Scientific opinion of mammals and birds experts, and not the ambitions of stakeholders to profit at the expense of Lebanon and its nature and its people. "Flying bird, goat, salsa and hamburger And it is essential that the identification of the number of fish that can be caught at each fishing trip is based on scientific data that determines their reproduction and their relationship with the rest of the ecosystem and its food chain, which we do not think available. She concluded by inviting the Council to "comply with the directives of the President of the Republic, General Michel Aoun, who called for the declaration of a peace treaty between man and nature", a- she concluded. Preserve resident and migratory birds, which has been received internationally and internationally. "

The Nature Protection Association in Lebanon – Birdlif Lebanon, Lebanese Alliance for Bird Conservation, the Lebanese Association for the Protection of the Environment, the Lebanese Movement of the 39 Environment, the Society for Forest Wealth and Development, Birds of Lebanon, and the Center for Sustainable Fisheries of the Middle East

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