MTV Lebanon – News – In the press


Presentation of the MTV TV news letter

Opening or reconciliation? A global approach to the problem or a partial approach? A solution in phase keeps the embers under the ashes or permanent prevents a new fire? These issues were raised today as soon as both meetings were announced at Baabda Palace and participants made decisions.

But the most important questions remained unanswered: "What else seemed" until the atmosphere changed overnight? What has happened until the calm of the day removes the escalation of the night? How have things changed 180 degrees in the last few hours? A combination of data changed the situation and the moods.

Firstly, there is international political pressure, particularly American and European, and secondly, financial and economic pressure, and the fear that the political failure and the public deficit will bring a new blow to the Lebanese credit situation. and put an end to Lebanon's access to the remaining cedar funds.

Thirdly, and finally, all local parties feel they have reached a stalemate, having exaggerated their claims and defined their conditions so that they must be removed from the top of the tree.

What is important is that the extinguished engines were restarted with maximum power, so they were sent back to Baabda even after a long wait.

But what happened to Baabda? Two meetings characterized the long and positive day, the first economic sudden and the second expected on the political level. The economic meeting expressed the wish of officials to move from one situation to another.

The challenges are enormous and the financial and economic alarm sounds so loud that a set of decisions and solutions was needed to get out of the economic and financial situation.

This would not have been possible without the political breakthrough at the second meeting of a political nature. This was confirmed in the brief statement read by Prime Minister Saad Hariri at the end of the meetings.

Congratulations to the Lebanese for the reconciliation they have been waiting for for forty days and congratulations on the government's return to the meeting before noon Saturday and for a new meeting with the quarrels and disputes and the protection of declarations!

Lebanon TV Newsletter Introduction

It is the day of achievements in Lebanon in the Presidential Palace looking for two birds with a stone on the eve of Eid.

The presidents, the parliament and the government spent a long day in two important meetings: the first was economic, reinforced by Jumblatt Arslan's reconciliation, and both steps were immediately reflected by the rising value of international bonds.

Major General Abbas Ibrahim delivered a Canadian hostage released in Syria.

To all these armed forces announced the arrest of more than 2,500 people of different nationalities for their involvement in various crimes during the month of July.

The extended financial meeting at the presidential palace slowed down the recession and fueled criticism, as did the economic situation.

The reconciliation meeting promotes the stability of security in the country by abandoning the personal right to the benefit of public law.

Prime Minister Hariri spoke of both meetings.

President Berri described what happened as an accomplishment, while Jumblatt said he was satisfied with the atmosphere.

Introduction to NBN TV news

He intensified his crisis … and so it was after what was.

Prime Minister Nabih Berri, Speaker of the House of Representatives, met on Friday with a reconciliation meeting between Socialist and Democratic Presidents Walid Jumblatt and Talal Arslan in the presence of the three Presidents.

The stock market as a result of initiatives After experiencing ups and downs in the past, it has stabilized today at the index of solutions accompanied by two meetings of the year. financial economy, split between Baabda and the Central House. Donor before any ranking.

This message quickly appeared on the financial markets, where bonds in Lebanese dollars rose, while the issue of 2030 reached its highest level in a week.

Finance Minister Ali Hbadan Khalil stressed that there was no financial and economic stability without political stability, highlighting the rise of obligations before the financial meeting, which he described as Excellent, adding that the credit could be affected.

For its part, the governor of the Bank of Lebanon, Riad Salameh, in response to a question to the NBN that the situation was "TOP".

On the verge of buying the Touch Building, Communication Minister Mohamed Choucair claimed that he had secured the state's savings and announced that he would begin to consider the company. 39, purchase of an Alpha building.

Chief Security Officer Abbas Ibrahim has announced the release of a Canadian citizen detained in Syria since last year.

OTV TV Newsletter Introduction

In words and deeds: Pi all.

So it was yesterday, it is today, and it will remain until the last moment of his six years.

Everything about me, because it exceeds abuse, and resolves contradictions, understands concerns and draws a national scene from all over, ashamed of the unemployed and the disabled, badailants and the wounded.

All of me, because it's the source of hope in a time of desperation and the voice of truth that defies the voices of cacophony and defeats it with his strong will, his strong faith and his relentless determination.

How many times did he take the Lebanese out of political drowning and tell them what they believed in their dreams and wishes, so that it became clear over time that the impossible was forbidden to him and that he did not submit to the table?

As in all stations of his long journey, today too, he did it to all.

Michel Aoun chairs a financial meeting that leads to qualitative decisions, then sponsors a meeting of frankness and reconciliation between Walid Jumblatt and Talal Arslan, in the presence of Nabih Berri and Saad Hariri, after the hard work of Abbas Ibrahim.

The political result, the return of the government and the consecration of justice, as well as the eleventh session of the Council of Ministers tomorrow at noon in Baabda.

The immediate financial positive announced by Reuters, and as the rise in Lebanese dollar bonds and the 2030 issue reach their highest level in a week.

Lebanon is therefore facing a new page and the Lebanese are facing a new opportunity, that they are not lost in the face of new rivalries, hoping not to be shaken by calculations of narrow interests that emerge. again, in exchange for the big national project.

Presentation of the Al-Manar TV newsletter

To be honest, conciliatory or any valid statement describing such a step, the result is the same: a meeting with Baabda will move the country from one place to another.

A five-party meeting on the intention to dismantle the Qabrishmoun mine, which almost blew up the government and the country behind it, began to be dismantled with a meeting of the three presidents, MP Talal Arslan and former Minister Walid Jumblatt.

Although the meeting was the result of painstaking efforts on the part of others who felt the embarrbadment of the situation in the country, the result started from the form of the meeting and was completed by the results. which led to the setting up of a Cabinet meeting at 11 am on Saturday as announced by Prime Minister Saad Hariri. Moving from frankness to reconciliation, defining the political and judicial trajectory of the Qabrishmoun affair, then dismantling the largest mines in the cabinet meeting.

The first repercussions of the Baabda meeting, Reuters, reported the rise in government bonds denominated in dollars just to heal the meeting, while following the economic positivity of the meeting, which brought together the three heads of ministers and the Governor of the Bank of Lebanon, as well as bankers and economists concerned with financial and economic issues.

Thus, the government walked with the country after a long fall, and Faraj arrived on the eve of Eid al-Adha, after the country almost fell victim to it.

New sacrifices have been made today by the Yemenis in the struggle for honor in the face of the Israeli-Saudi aggression with the ascent of Mr. Ibrahim Badr al-Din al-Houthi , a martyr, one of the commanders of Ansar Allah and brother of their leader, Mr. Abdul Malik.

A testimony that Hezbollah has envisioned a new gospel of victory and will urge the oppressed Yemeni people to insist on continuing to defend themselves until victory comes soon.

LBC TV Newsletter Introduction

If memory had a language, what would it say?

Would you have said: Are you sitting the day after the Qabrishmoun incident and have saved forty days of tension and tension?

Would she say: What is the benefit of raising the caps if you want to lower them as "the two parts"?

Would she have said: How can the problem be solved only by referring the incident to the Justice Council? So you jump on it?

Would she say: It is necessary that the funeral of the two victims precede the return of the incident to the Council of Justice? But you have removed this condition?

Would she have said that a statement of a line and a half from the US Embbady in Awkar had fascinated everyone without exception and that only three words were missing: " Silence"?

Would she have said: if there had not been Awkar, the atmosphere would still be electrified?

If the memory had a language.

Walid Jumblatt does not meet Talal Arslan, but rather the representative of Mr. Hbadan Nasrallah, then meets him.

Talal Arslan refuses to meet Walid Jumblatt, then meets him.

Some say: credit for Awkar because "the age of the political majority" has not happened to him yet.

It is feared that "Sovereignty and free decision" will be the victims of the Qabrishmoun incident.

If there is a lesson or a cross that must be drawn from the forty days, that is, between the day of the incident and today, that is that it is not allowed in Lebanon to go out on a draw abroad and if some, on the stage, are trying to lure the spectator that it is about the Pen and ruler, In fact, the "painter" or painters are sitting in scenes, even remotely.

Before entering the theater, we emphasize that the promise of a reconciliation meeting, a cabinet meeting tomorrow, "Get up, finish yourself".

Introduction to the new television news

Crisis leaders sat on the 40s in Kabrishmoun to dismantle mourning. A five-engine meeting was held in Baabda and all its weapons and conditions, mediated by the President's initiative Nabih Berri, based on receipt and delivery. Artisans of peace.

They completed the opening and opening meeting, regretted what happened in the orchards, opened a new page and confided the crime to the military justice.

Tomorrow morning, a session of the Council of Ministers at Baabda Palace and "end", forty days on the open grave, left only a veil and descended on the political market, the latest one having was that of Walid Jumblatt when he accused the president and his successors of retaliation. Minister Wael Abu Faour had preceded him for submitting a full indictment to the Lebanese judiciary, in which he did not stay and did not mention when "Meir Makom Hoon" had promulgated no unless it included the Council of Justice.

All these symptoms resulted in a US "joke", an international warning that a notorious financial score would be attributed to Lebanon and a visit by Prime Minister Hariri to Washington that could give rise to serious dangers if citizens born in the United States abroad and abroad were absent, especially after the appearance of the government's "unilateral" wolf. On August 9, Hariri returned as a rebaduring leader.

The parties to the mountain conflict held a meeting that was not a dispute but a distinctiveness between frankness and reconciliation, and the two men began to understand that the Qabrishmun issue was left to the military investigation and that, in the light of its results, the government would take the appropriate decisions, provided that the Council of Ministers met at 11 am Saturday in a palace. It is interesting to note that President Nabih Berri said that what had been accomplished was an "accomplishment", while Walid Jumblatt nodded. "In the military investigation, as he had promised" Tvlh To share "in the landfill site Alkostubbrava.

Forty days of obstinacy and conditions on all fronts. Charged with their satisfaction at the meeting, they shook hands and reconciled after disrupting, demonizing, wasting time and compromising on the graves. All those who requested guarantees received only "guarantees", including a grant from the US Embbady.

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