MTV Lebanon – News – In the press



A former minister said that there was a "suspicion" of extending demonstrations against the Palestinian law on labor regulations rather than demanding its amendment.

An old, well-known source asked why this policy was not divorced from the investigation into the Qabrishmoun incident, which cost the government a suspension of more than a month.

Interested communities have important information on US trends in favor of a political group in the next stage that is uncomfortable.

Major General

Monetary authorities have informed Lebanese officials that there was no way to protect the stability of the exchange read, without urgent political consensus.

A senior legislator does not rule out that the US Embbady statement and the fear of a downgrade could have accelerated efforts to stem the political crisis.

A central hub said yesterday at dawn that the Justice Council case was no longer on the agenda.

The Republic

Political circles have noticed that without the nocturnal contact of a party with a political team, reconciliation would not have occurred in Baabda.

A senior official praised the performance of one of the ministers, saying that he was able to control his ministry, which disrupted the former minister, called him admonished: I understand that the ministry of my time was a "falta".

A group of lawyers prepared a report that included what he described as "blatant irregularities" by some influential people and handed the report to some officials.

Call at home

A former politician saw in the timing of Major-General Abbas Ibrahim's announcement of the release of the Canadian detainee in Syria as a message of resentment at having hindered his internal mediation in exchange for his regional and international success .

The Free Patriotic Movement has decided to support the candidacy of Mirna al-Murr Abu Sharaf to her brother Elias al-Murr in the upcoming parliamentary elections.

Politicians have stalled on the term used by Minister Salim Jreissati to identify when he made contact with officials of the state administration.

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