MTV News


Disney World Entertainment Company ends up dealing with James Jane, the director of The Guardian of the Galaxy, because of a series of old tweets that have recently appeared sarcastic about rape and the badual orientation of children.

Alan Horne, In a statement released by US media, Disney said: "The unpleasant attitudes and data discovered by James' account on Twitter are untenable and contrary to the values ​​of our studio, and we have cut our relationship commercial with him. "

Hollywood Reporter, "said Jenn in response, he felt sorry and took full responsibility for the tweets. [19659004] On Thursday, Jen also talked about Twitter about old tweets, saying that although He considered himself "provocative", he said: "Poofs are ashamed and taboo, his days when he was saying something just because he was shocked and an attempt. "I'm not saying I'm better, but I'm a very different person from what I was a few years ago …"

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