Mutual alarm between Hariri and Bassil … Is the coalition shaken?


According to the Center, President Saad Hariri was surprised by Minister Gebran Bbadil's escalation, pointing out that the last meeting, on the sidelines of the House of Representatives' session, was not the only one. 39 and hope that Hariri understood that Basil would not take any practical steps to help He told her that there was nothing new to offer and the problem with the others, that it was n? had no role or authority to intervene, he asked Hariri to resolve his decision and put online a line corresponding to his convictions to present to the President of the Republic. 19659002] and drew those circles as the most troubling prime minister in charge of words Minister Bbadil did not dismiss the latter at the meeting of "coincidence" in the House of Representatives that Prime Minister Hariri should not to err in returning to the bet on his alliance with the forces, he must remember who was his true ally. By paying the price for this expectation, he must speed up the training process, as regional and international developments will not help him gain internal political gains. And each day of delay will pay only the price of its political equilibrium. "

However, he agreed with the President-designate on the continuation of the truce and the cessation of arguments to facilitate his task during training, but the escalation is not understandable for Hariri, But he is persuaded that the intention to surround him is not an embarrbadment to take him out because his alternative is not ready for others, he can not give gifts to anyone, but he tries to push him to give up his beliefs by forcing him to give up Expressing his understanding of the demands of the Lebanese forces and the Progressive Socialist Party.This will not happen.

For his part, the sources from the block "Strong Lebanon" confirm that the task of the Prime Minister is to establish a government of national unity, because it is the best for the country, in charge of setting standards and of to agree with the President of the Republic in the form of the government he courtes e the Hariri chain by what he sees as the clash of opposition from the current president rather than to his ally. In the government, which caused a shock in "Mirna Shalouhi" because the insistence of the Prime Minister not to give the 11 current ministers would be the biggest obstacle to training Hariri was informed that if the block of "Strong Lebanon" was unable to obtain the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Finance, "It is a claim that can not be lifted because it is a vested right and it is surprising that Hariri considers it as directed against him: are we allies or are there new developments unknown? "

Sources close to the authoritarian atmosphere In the "middle house", it is that the latter informed the president-designate that he would not sneeze "The decision is between the hands of the president in charge. "

Informed political sources believe that the presidential compromise has been shaken, as the smooth bilateral relationship that has been ensured The free patriotic movement and the movement of the future are no longer in place and the bilateral agreements that prevailed during the first part of the presidential term have declined in favor of the emergence of more than one controversial issue between the two parties since the results of the parliamentary elections.

There are currently two options: either to maintain the best relationship with the prime minister and the Lebanese government in general, is a clear reflection of the outcome of the legislative elections, not for the benefit of the Future Movement, evolution of regional issues, particularly in Syria. At the expense of the external forces that support the latter. The sources added that the appointed prime minister is in turn two choices: either to bow to the demands of the President of the Republic and the Free Patriotic Movement to maintain the leadership position even less influential than the previous ones, either indirectly , Public media, and therefore engage in long-term strands, similar to those in the previous stages. Only parallel and balanced concessions have avoided both the President of the Republic and the government charged with entering a new stage of internal friction

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