My mother threw us into a shelter, even though she died


Artist Rola Saad said that she did not like her mother but did not hate her for giving up She was small, noting that she forgave him all what she was doing with her

She continued, when meeting with "One of the People" on Al Hayat, "I did not like hypocrisy, my mother does not know her not like mother, because she's loved, and the love is not forcibly and I grew up with my brothers, including my disabled brother, in an orphanage after death from my father. "

I was deprived of eating at the shelter, my grandfather and grandmother Bezoroni, and I left the shelter at the lodge. 16 years old. "

She added," My mother cried after entering the shelter 7 years, and I asked her, "Why did you leave us, even if she died, she would not be humiliated by she as a mother, but he would shake her up like a human being. "

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