Nadine Nassib Njeim enters the line of disagreement between Ahlam and Asala .. What did she say?


Actress Nadine Nbadib Njeim attempted to reconcile the artists Asala and Ahlam by commenting her Instagram video showing Asala in a newspaper interview. She was questioned about her controversy with Ahlam and said spontaneously: "Block, do what you want". She continued as if she were talking to dreams: "Tiffe created your baby ?!"

Najim called Asala and Ahlam to the need for reconciliation because they are one of the most important stars of the Arab world, pointing out that life is too short to stop at disagreements and their expressed their love for them.

Noting that the relationship between the two stars has witnessed a tidal situation between friendship and quarrel at other times, and that the last conflict erupted after Asala Al -Shifa wished the media Fajr Al-Saeed, who was sick and was admitted to the hospital. She wanted her healing, give her dreams by thanking and expressing her love for her.

In turn, Asala attributed to her colleague Ahlam with love, as she wrote on social networking sites: "Halloumah, I know and I'm sure you love me and love me so much … but why not Btjakrini O Halloumi O Halloumah God has tortured me Balshkhn and the common cold, which we have lived for almost a quarter of a century … Great God He protects you, saves all the right people and heals all the patients. "But Ahlam did not accept this warning and banned the authenticity through his pages.

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