Najwa Ibrahim receives the shield of the "Model Father" for the name of Mahmoud El Meligy


Cairo – a

Published on:
Sunday, July 15, 2018 – 8:55 pm
| Last update:
Sunday, July 15, 2018 – 8:55 pm

Najwa Ibrahim receives the shield of the "Father of the Model" for the late artist Mahmoud El Meligy of the United Nations for the Arts, who embodies the role of his daughter in the film "The Earth ".

The prize was awarded to the artist Mahmoud El Meligy as "Father of the Model" and received the honorary award of the media, Najwa Ibrahim, in the presence of Captain Hbadan Shehata, singer Medhat Saleh, Lebanese singer Moin Sharif, artist Jamil Rateb and artist Hbadan Hosni. For the third consecutive year It is expected that a number of public figures will be honored, including the press writer Abdulmohsen Salama, the captain of the journalists, and the poet Shawqi Hijab [19659005] (function (d, s, id) {
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