Najwa Karam greets the ceremony of the Lebanese army on July 29


Najwa Karam is preparing to give a concert Sunday, July 29 on the place Dahour Choueir in Lebanon, the Lebanese Army Day.

Najwa Karam sang her concert via a Twitter account on her Twitter account. "Song of the Song" # Najwa_Kram celebrates the Lebanese Army Day celebration in the Dahr al-Shweir courtyard on Sunday, July 29th, organized by the Al-Shwair and Ain Al-Sindiyana municipality , under the patronage of General Joseph Ajoun. A great interaction of all lovers, such as "sleep before sleep, if you do not know, what a sleep" and others 03] Note: The content of this news was written by echo of the country and no one else. not express the view of Egypt today, but has been transferred because it is the echo of the country and we are not responsible for the content of the previous source. js = id = & # 39; facebook-jssdk & # 39 ;; if (d.getElementById (id)) {return} js = d.createElement (& # 39; script & # 39;); = id; js.async = true; js.src = "";d.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(js); } (document)); [19659002] [ad_2]
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