Najwa Karam launches her new song


Lebanese star Najwa Karam, her public, was released two days ago, Teaser sang the song "Yahoo".

It was not so long ago, the sun of the Lebanese song Yahoo appeared exclusively on the application of Angami, and its audience began to circulate the song on the media sites Social: the first reactions were positive and expressed their admiration for Yahoo) What I mentioned in the songs of Najwa Karam during the 90s

Said the beginning of the song (Yahoo): Yaalm Redo yo .. Habibi Ma Shfto .. Missed in the night Oio .. and my demented eyes .. And the life of me Bthabo .. Baref Hoy asked .. I have a jealous .. My heart mercy

Najwa Karam has asked his fans to follow (Angami) so that they could listen to everything


#NaWo on [19490001] #NKO
#NKO [194590001] #NaWo on [194900011] @ anghami

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