NASA receives larger than expected data from Parker Solar probe launched in the orbit of the sun


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NASA Receives More Data Than Expected From Parker Solar Probe Bets On Solar Orbit Tuesday, August 6, 2019 07:32

NASA has revealed that the Parker Solar probe, launched in the orbit of the sun last year, sent a series of data (22 GB) 50% larger than those expected by scientists. APL, all the expected scientific data collected during the first and second meetings are now on the ground. We also learned more about the nature of operations in this environment and the team did a great job in loading data from the information, which was collected using the tools of the team. incredible space probe.

The increase in the amount of information has allowed the telecommunication system of the probe to achieve results above expectations. The additional data contain unprecedented visions of the sun, including information about particles, waves, solar corona observations, and the solar environment.

The Barker probe was closer to the sun than any other human body, surpbading some of the most brutal conditions of all time, including cosmic radiation (500 times more powerful than radiation on Earth), temperatures of 1,300 degrees Celsius, and Due to the enormous force of gravity of the Sun, the probe has also traveled faster than any man-made object, moving around the star at a speed of 343,000 km / h . Scientists hope to help unravel the mysteries of the sun, especially with regard to the rise of coronal heat (the outer part of the sun's atmosphere) and the way the sun produces huge columns of plasma , called solar flares.

Parker is preparing to make a spectacular approach to the sun on December 24, 2024, hovering 6.3 million kilometers from the surface. The spacecraft will continue to collect data, its next flight taking place on August 27th.

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This article "NASA" receives more data than expected from the "Parker Solar" probe launched in the orbit of the sun "Adapted from the site (Arab Today), and does not reflect in any way the site policy or a point of view, but the responsibility of the news or health on the source The original news is the Arabs today.

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