"National Bloc": the right of people and their fate is more important than the lust for power in some


National Bloc representatives Faisal Karami, Tony Franjieh, Fayez Ghosn, Farid Heikal Al Khazen, Mustapha Husseini and Mustafa Al-Duweihi met at the home of former MP Murshid Al-Samad in the city of Bakhoun. It has been two months since the Prime Minister was appointed and things are still in place and we always hear about the contract itself. "Removing accusations from those who disrupt the problem does not solve the problem and the rights of people and their fate are more important than the desire to power."

"What is happening at the governmental level is no longer a political crisis but a threat to Lebanon., And we began to feel it through the disruption of political life and constitutional institutions and the l & # 39; Aggravation of social and economic crises.
The whole country is at stake, the test is at stake, the economy is at stake. "

" First: the national duty requires that public servants perform their national duties before the time comes. " blast is imminent, pointing out that any proposal outside the Constitution and the charters will eliminate the rest of the stability Second: The Lebanese authority is called today more than the other day On the safe return Syrians displaced without perseverance, under a slogan is the supreme national interest of both countries and peoples. "

He continued," Third: The state is expected to rehire housing loans as part of legal and financial controls to reach low-income beneficiaries.
Fourth: Our requirement as a bloc to participate in the government of national unity with two ministers comes from a substantial response to the results of the parliamentary elections. [5] Finally, we call on all arbitrators to arbitrate their national and moral conscience and to get rid of sectarian and sectarian quotas in all sectors and departments of a country that exports its young people abroad instead to export its industrial and agricultural production. "

:" What is happening in the country is unacceptable and not portable. Now there is a course for ISF, they want to take 2,000 objects and a trance, which is about 41,000 people. That means that out of 41,000 if you take 2,000 people to accept the 39,000 exclusion, it means you have a problem with them. Therefore, the only acceptable solution that all members of the bloc require is the adoption of the principle of efficiency, while maintaining sectarian quotas. We have no problem coming Muslim or Christian, it is important to come the most effective and the best, whether it be Christian or Muslim. According to the baccalaureate certificates – the second section that was published a short time ago, no one objected to the results, there are those who have succeeded and everyone has accepted the results because it is important to be competitive.
"There is also the question of Qadisha's electricity company," he said, adding that "we are asking for the cancellation of Qadisha's employment cycle as proposed and a course in the Public Service Council ". From Denniyah, 100 people are looking at some work, there are 2, 3 or 4 pbading, so I have four and I start the rest, it's a rejected logic, we talked and we we are focused on military threads. Does each security administrator have an badessment mark that is the mark of the manager, ie if someone is with him on the 11th and the 20th and another With him 13 out of 20, the director comes and gives three signs for the first, and he will be with him on the 14th, and the second will come out, and the first will take his place, it is rejected, there must be a criterion , and efficiency, and there should be no signs of corruption, If we want to build a state, efficiency must be the norm and reactivate the role of the Public Service Council. "I also insist on the fact that the Qadisha session appointed Minister Gebran Bbadil advisor to the head of the Committee on Employment. Now and before the exams. There are 100,000 interrogation points, so we call for the abolition of this session as proposed and forwarded to the Public Service Council, and that efficiency be the norm.

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