National law: Israeli officers stand in solidarity with the Druze


The Druze in Israel
The Associated Press

Israeli Prime Minister Meets with Druze Community Leaders in Israel, Apparently to Discuss "National Law"

Dozens of Israeli Officers , of retired civil servants,

"National Law" is a basic law that defines Israel as a Jewish state, gives preference to the Hebrew language over Arab and Jewish colonization, and gives "exclusive" self-determination to the Jewish people . Israel, for Jews only, and considers "united" Jerusalem as the eternal capital of Israel.

The petition reads as follows: "We are the leaders who are faithful to the state of Israel since its inception, and who are fighting against the promulgation of the law of nationalism, in order to achieve the full equality of rights in our state. "

Among the signatories of the petition are former security ministers Moshe Ya'Alon and Yitzhak Mordechai, former Chief of Staff Benny Gantz, the Inspector General of Asaf Hafetz police and retired generals: Doron Gershon, Yitzhak Gershon and other senior officers Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met before

Apparently, participants discussed differences about

The head of the local council of the village of Daliyat al-Carmel, Rafiq Halabi, felt that "the children of the Druze community," All that we ask, it is d & # 39; add a phrase from the Declaration of Independence, which emphasizes the full equality of all citizens of the state, regardless of religion, origin and bad, at this law. "

The Druze community is served in the security forces Druzes in northern Israel at 110,000, living in the Haifa district, the Carmel mountain range and the Galilee Mountains.

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