Naturalization decree frozen for the second time?


The newspaper "Republic" froze the work of the naturalization decree for the second time, despite the promises not to apply until the decision of the State Council Shura, although the officials have not taken the public safety report and are acting with it The council's decision neither presents nor delays its lack of data, and it can decide the decree only if the appeals are accompanied by information and investigations. Who calls for the revocation of the naturalization of A value.

predicts an official reference to the newspaper "news" sleep last naturalization decree frozen in the drawers of the State Shura Council, pointed out that the political decision was taken to implement the decree and therefore do not do not come back. According to the same reference, the decree is invalidated only by another decree, revealing that the names of more than four hundred and appearing in the decree will receive "soon" a Lebanese identity card. The reference to the guidance of the President of the Republic, Michel Aoun, to issue periodic decrees granting citizenship to candidates (every three or four months). He stressed that what has been done by the General Directorate of Public Security in terms of auditing names "is advisory but not binding for the President of the Republic and the Prime Minister or the Minister of the Republic. interior ".


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