New Ministerial Project from Hariri to Aoun News from Cedar


The Mufti of Lebanon warns against the emptying of the Middle East by Christians: The two nations are united and cooperative

The different estimates converge The biannual meeting between Presidents Michel Aoun and Saad Hariri is closer to the consensus on a government formation that satisfies the different parties. Time with changing regional climates

Political and media circles are deliberating on a new government project giving the presidential team, the Free Patriotic Movement, ten ministers, six to the bloc and four to the president, who wants to involve the government. 39 other parties outside his current government, called Prime Minister Hariri (Ghattas Khoury) in return for a Sunni minister chosen by him (Faisal Karami) from Hariri's alleged party.

The Lebanese Forces receive four ministerial seats, one of which may be one of three: public works, justice or education,

The Progressive Socialist Party brings together three ministers, two of the party and one party leader Walid Jumblatt among three names proposed by Presidents Aoun and Hariri.

Shiite ministers The six, divided equally between Hezbollah and the Amal movement, and a portfolio of president

The president of the Council, Nabih Berri, called for facilitating the formation process of the government first and foremost

The President-designate, during his sponsorship of the Arab Economic Forum, stressed the need to speed up the composition. In implicit response to the apparent link between government formation and the "formation" of international agreements over the region, Hariri said: "The solution is in our hands as local leaders and the solution stops wasting time and putting in place the necessary reforms. Difficult and painful.

Hezbollah sources told the al-Gomhuriya newspaper that they have not seen any progress so far, and we can not say whether things are closed or not.

The loyalty block to the resistance was surprised after its weekly meeting of the government formation process, and considered that the case is an unjustified slowdown in efforts and highlights the priority of this issue. The Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives Elie Farzli, close to the Free Current, said yesterday in a statement on the radio: "I began to see that foreign interests play a central and central role behind the internal headlines . "

Al-Farzali? The adoption of the parliamentary parliamentary democratic standard to form the Prime Minister is a more pluralistic type of government, which depends on the trust of the council, which is then divided between loyalists and opposition: it is natural, or is a government that cuts all the parliament in the government?

Former Prime Minister Najib Miqati, after his visit, said: "I have nothing to do … President Berri in Ain

But the Grand Mufti of Lebanon, Sheikh Abdullatif Daryan, implicitly responded by "inviting all those involved in government affairs to facilitate the task of the President-designate, to solve problems and to raise the debate on numbers and sacks."

In an emphatic position of the Lebanese mufti Darian warned against draining the Middle East Christians, and said, "There will be no new Middle East without the establishment of a new Middle East. "Christians of the East We are or will not be, and we call them not to answer, under any pressure or circumstance to emigrate.

News – Omar Habbangar

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