News 24 Al-Moallem: Saudi Arabia will face Hezbollah everywhere


<img clbad = "article-main-img" title = "المعلمي" src = " 8ed2-30f5f43d077a.jpg "alt =" The Saudi ambbadador to the United Nations, Abdallah al-Maalami, said Wednesday in an interview with Al Arabiya that the coalition led by Saudi Arabia to support legitimacy in Yemen seeks to restore Hodeidah peacefully to allow diplomatic efforts to cede the city peacefully

Al-Mualami stressed that Saudi Arabia will confront the Lebanese Hezbollah militia everywhere and expose its practices to the international community, accusing the party to seek to destabilize the Arab nation Yemen, Martin Griffith, stated that My teacher: "It does not seem to me until now that Griffith has managed to break through enough in the party's position the coup, and I think they're procrastinating and that they're using International Yemeni Foreign Minister Khalid al-Yamani sent a message of protest to his Lebanese counterpart, Gebran Bbadil, calling on the Lebanese government to stop the search, and this can not be accepted indefinitely. to curb the pro-Iranian militias and to adopt aggressive behavior, in accordance with the policy of distancing. Militias # Hezbollah's growing Houthi support [1965900] Al-Yamani stressed his country's right to raise this issue in Arab and international forums: "We reserve the right to refer the issue to Council of the League of Arab States, the Organization of the Islamic Conference and the Security Council. "

In his speech of July 8, despite the use of diplomatic words emphasizing the strength of relations with Lebanon, he considered inciting Hezbollah's secretary general, Hasan Nasrallah, to fight the legitimate forces in flagrant interference in the affairs of Yemen

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