News Lebanon, Breaking News – Scaf sings to her husband


Popular bloc leader Miriam Skaf dragged her late husband, former minister and MP Elias Skaff through her Twitter account:

"You have left Zahle but your soul has fallen into the heart of your Once upon a time, the gentleness of sweetness, the lute of the vineyard of Guadarina and your betrayal, but your house is a shea and the age of your visitors, every feast of Mar Elias and the widow of Esmou with a thousand good ones. "

I left Zahleh but your soul was lost by the heart of your lovers
With your separation you became much and much
The day of Saint Elias and the lady of Esmus in a thousand good

– Myriam Skaff (@MyriamSkaff) t, s)
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