Newspaper Secrets on Friday, July 13, 2018


Construction: Khafaya and Kwalis

Despite repeated calls to accelerate the formation of the future government did not emphasize the data confirm the resolution of the contract, which delays the training, but the means politicians will wait for something positive in the next few days

A European diplomat in Brussels told an Arab diplomat that the Arab governments' blind dependence on the American administration and its black hatred towards the United States. Iran and its willingness to accept all Israeli demands is one that weakens Europe's ability to adopt policies independent of US policies, especially in the region's issues shared by Europeans and Arabs sharing the same concerns and interests. The diplomat said that as long as Washington can control Arab money and the official Arab position, it will not listen to Europe.

It is said that successive diplomats consider that the return of displaced Syrians is a global Lebanese requirement, but what has happened so far does not fit within the framework of a global and integrated return because the issue requires international coordination Lebanese The sound end of this file.

Major: Secrets

Members of a large bloc were invited not to involve a friendly country in the formation crisis of a government.

The sources do not hide the knowledge of the authoritative negotiations on the "positive shock" caused by a meeting of eminent political leaders.

The day: the secrets of the gods

The decade is it alien?
The transfer of visitors to a great reference fears that the foreign contract is the reason to disrupt the formation of the government and to be more than a state.


The standard of representation of all four MPs with a minister has fallen virtually because it serves a government of 32 ministers and adds 3 to the president to become 35 and give Shiites more than their quota current …

Spasticity in Saida

Saida to mitigate the sectarian conflicts generated by the dispute over Kasaar Baa after the entrepreneur held a meeting Saida facing the people of East Sidon ….

The Republic: Secrets


The Gulf State intends to appoint a new ambbadador in place of the current ambbadador [19659010] Climbing

Political circles note


A political polemicist was questioned about the execution of one of the officials and his silence on accusations of cowardice: "As long as the judge is satisfied, I have not distinguished myself. "

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