Nishan sends a message of optimism to his audience via Twitter


Nishan, a Lebanese media reporter, wrote an email expressing his optimism through his personal account on the social networking site Twitter

Nishan commented, with a short exclamation: "Do not do one and forget a thousand blessings. " It should be noted that Nishan began his career at "Zee Arabia" station in 1993 and presented several programs, including a program entitled "Seconds and Bbad", and a talk show with Arab stars entitled "Ramsha", then participated in the program. "Art Studio" in 1996, and received an offer from the Arab network of radio and television, which aired from Italy, then traveled in 1997 to join the It also offered entertainment programs and contest on Arab and Al-Munawwat radio and television channels, before returning to Beirut in 2000 when the broadcast center moved and presented the "Khalik Al-Tikl" program. fbAsyncInit = function () {
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