Official website of the new chain, football, Colombia and called the World Cup .. proudly but without glory


Colombia called the World Cup .. proudly but without glory

Colombia has invited the World Cup .. proudly but without glory "/>

Colombia has called the World Cup .. proudly but without glory

Colombia may consider itself unlucky because of the shootings World Cup goal [4] In four years in Brazil, Colombia reached the quarter-finals for the first time after four successive victories and achieved an impressive offensive performance and showed the world's talented James Rodriguez.
But the contrast He was the master of the post in 2018. Colombia was injured by a red card at the start of the opening round of the BCS But Japan played a quick, ambitious and creative performance in the second round to overtake Poland.
After that, she fought for a 1-1 draw with England in Moscow before Matthaus Uribe and Carlos Paka failed on penalties.
And with the absence of the leader of game Rodriguez, top scorer of 2014, injured [4159019] Daniel Guerrero, 39, works as a lawyer after following the defeat in England on a giant screen in a shopping center in Bogotá. "It's unfortunate that James did not play."
The cheerleader added in reference to England's goal "On social networking sites, fans have launched an attack against the US referee Mark Geiger because of a penalty for Kane and six yellow cards for Colombia players.
"Goodbye to the World Cup in Russia – proudly but without glory," writes the Colombian newspaper Eltembo.

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