Official website of the new chain, football, Mbabi .. The new star of the world of football


The young man Kéléane Mbabé confirmed his position as world leader with an impressive goal and an impressive performance in the 4-2 victory of France on Croatia in the final of the World Cup last night
. [19] The 19-year-old athlete gave ample evidence of his scary speed, his brilliant touch and the final finish of the ball in front of goal.
With his goal in mind, Goal of Croatia, Mbabi became the first Shke up Pac in the World Cup final since the Brazilian Pele in 1958.
Mbabi, who scored four goals in Russia in 2018, was named best player of the tournament and he was recognized for his excellent level, especially in the round of 16. As a player who worked as a BBC critic during the tournament, PSG could be one of the world's greatest football players.
Klinsmann said: "There is still a long way to go." With the transfer of Ronaldo (to Juventus) and the Neymar Association (PSG) with other teams, where will go this young man? "
The young striker, who lent a loan last season to Paris Saint-Germain de Monaco
At the end of the game, Mbabi danced on the field in celebration with his teammates celebrating the victory
Mbabi said, "I am very happy. The road was long but it was worth it. We are proud of our ability to make the French happy, we could help them forget all their problems. "I do not want to be a star in the world of football, but I want to become world champion, I want to do better, but the world champion is a very good description, we will celebrate because we have been working all season and now It's time to celebrate this summer. "

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