On the eve of an imminent trade war: China again attacks the United States


Chinese President Xi Jinping during his speech on the 200th anniversary of the birth of Karl Marx in the Great Hall of the People on Friday, May 4, 2018
Wang Chao (AP)

China attacks states , Threats of impending trade war between economic powers

China on Thursday attacked the United States saying that Washington was hurting itself, saying it would not give in to threats before an impending trade war between the two economic powers. The new tariff on $ 34 billion of Chinese imports into the US market came into effect on Friday, while China promised an immediate and similar response.

Chinese Ministry of Commerce spokesman Gao Feng said: We have no choice but to fight. "

The designs that Washington has announced focus on industrial components such as personal computers, fuel pumps, construction equipment and automobiles, according to data from the commercial information company." Most of these exports are already manufactured by US and international companies in China, "said Gao." In the so-called taxable list of $ 34 billion, about $ 20 billion, or 59 percent, is manufactured by foreign investment companies, it does not matter what. "The United States is simply shooting at the world and shooting at itself.

Commenting on the information that US taxes could be imposed on all products issued by China, Gao said that "the use of tariffs stick as a tool of intimidation in trade is contrary to the spirit of the time. "" China will not bow to threats and extortion. "

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