On the serious consequences of the suspension of loans Al-Anba Journal


d. Nbader Zeidan – Beirut

Lebanon is suffering from a new crisis that has been raging since the beginning of the year: it has prevented the General Housing and Banks Establishment from providing housing loans to residents. people with limited income. And the interest of 3% on loans granted by banks and backed by the Bank of Lebanon, note that the normal benefits on bank loans can reach more than 10%, and this can only be borne by a citizen's He decides to obtain a loan

The Bank of Lebanon ceases to subsidize housing loans The suspension of the provision of interest-free amounts to the General Housing Organization has not come to the fore. a void in the financial accounts. The Bank of Lebanon paid the last payment for 500 million dollars in February and stopped its presentations despite the intervention of the President of the Republic and the Ministers of Finance and Social Affairs and despite popular pressure exerted on this file , including sit-ins of citizens.

The argument of the governor of the Bank of Lebanon to the media that the Bank of Lebanon is not responsible for housing policy, and it is the task of the government, which must find solutions to the crisis. But the reality is different from what the governor said, because he told the director general of the institution Roni Lahoud, and some have recently met another word, so the available data indicate the financial pressures resulting from the economic crisis stifling Lebanon. Support to government sectors, particularly to cover the huge budget deficit and to provide subsidized loans to other investment facilities, including housing and the Investment Promotion Corporation (IDAL) .

Stopping Housing Loans Could Exposure Lebanon to Similar Risks In 2008, the real estate sector collapses – and some of its features are triggered by the bankruptcy of some businesses – this will obviously affect the banking sector because the bulk of their financial investments goes to real estate and other loan guarantees are based on real estate.

Housing loans are affected by other sectors such as building materials and labor in the construction industry, as well as low levels

Politicians and Veteran observers recall the crisis that took place during the civil war between the then Housing Minister, the late President Camille Chamoun and the Director General of Housing, the late Fouad Zibian, in the context of the lorry. charge of granting real estate loans without sectarian equilibrium, found that the number of recipients of these loans was greater in West Beirut and in other Islamic regions, and that the crisis caused the paralysis of housing without the intervention of Minister Walid Jumblatt. N mushrooms and its connection with Shimon. The purpose of mentioning this incident is to clarify: that housing loans were in place during the civil war in Lebanon, how can Lebanon support these loans 30 years after the end of this war?

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