On this basis, Arslan and Jumblatt were reconciled


Major General –

Despite yesterday's concealment of the confidentiality of the five-day meeting at Baabda Palace, it was reported that the reconciliation was based on the following principles: President Berri and General Abbas Ibrahim worked for a while. for a while, that is, the military court will continue its investigations and decide accordingly which judicial system will follow the crime. The Cabinet resumed its meetings starting today to follow up on the topics that had been decided forty days ago, namely the date of the June 30th Orchard Crime and the Council of Ministers meeting. could not take place on July 2, especially since the meeting took place on the eve of the Prime Minister's trip to Washington after the holidays that he will spend with his family. In Yeh, Saudi Arabia intervened after the statement of the US Embbady in Beirut, which implicitly urged the parties to independent judicial and political treatment, while the most important concern in all these movements and positions is to save the situation economic and financial country, stop corder and political security.

It was learned that after the failure of unsuccessful efforts on Thursday, there had been a communication between Presidents Aoun and Berri, during which it had been agreed to continue the effort and to give Berri was instructed to follow up and ask Berri to hold a frank session followed by a reconciliation. The contacts took place until Hanbalat and Arslan had agreed in exchange for guarantees or badurances for the two men, to be agreed at the meeting. To rebadure Jumblatt not to target him, Arslan made sure not to bend the crime record and hold the perpetrators accountable. Hezbollah has been involved in contacts with Arslan.

While Jumblatt expressed his satisfaction after the meeting, Baabda expressed his satisfaction for the atmosphere of the meeting and made no comment despite the "general" contact with him on several occasions. President Berri describes what happened as a "fulfillment", Democratic Party sources declined to comment and said it would issue the appropriate position at the right time. However, it was noted that MP Arslan had come out of the meeting smiling and relaxed.

Informed sources told Al-Liwaa that the meeting of "openness and reconciliation," as it was agreed to describe at Baabda Palace, was characterized by responsibility and freedom. The handshake, the candor and then the reconciliation, but the two men did not exchange kisses and limited themselves to shaking hands when they met. The meeting was waiting each in a side room, and Arslan was seen with a yellow envelope. To hold a press conference today.

The same sources said that the meeting had focused on topics related to the Qabrshmun incident – the orchards and the situation on the ground and all the details, describing what had happened during the opening session in silence.

The sources said that the military justice would follow up on his investigations, which was agreed and satisfied the judicial request, while the request not to return the Qabrishmon incident to the Justice Council satisfies the Progressive Socialist Party but the same sources pointed out that the resumption of the meetings of the Council of Ministers was the one requested by Presidents Aoun, Berri and Hariri. Having reached the data, messages and warnings that the country will remain without government.

Sources denied that the meeting addressed any personal rights projection

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