On this day in space .. Launch of the Soviet probe Luna 24 to collect samples of the moon


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August 9, 2019

Today we celebrate an anniversary in space on August 9, 1976, when the Soviet Space Program launched its last mission on the moon.

Probe luna 24

According to the US website, he launched a Proton-K rocket from the Baikonur cosmodrome in Kazakhstan and landed safely on the moon nine days later.

The probe landed in a dark plain known as Mary Crisium or "Sea of ​​Crises" and collected 170.1 grams of soil samples, which then returned to Earth on 22 August 1976 .

The significance of this event is particularly significant in what scientists have discovered in samples containing small traces of water, representing about 0.1% of the mbad.

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Source: day 7

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