Opening of the 2018 Summer Festival – Akkar – Michel Halak


The president of the Federation of Municipalities of Joumah, mayor of Rahba Fadi Berber, inaugurated the Summer Festival 2018, where a ceremony was organized, in the presence of many deputies, politicians, social and political leaders and activists. spiritual.

The celebration of the Lebanese national anthem began and Berber delivered a speech in which he declared that the occasion was "a joy and a hope for souls through the organization of festivals in the hope that we would move to the region of Joumah and Akkar ". Not even the most beautiful environmental and tourist areas, not only the lack of determination and will, but the official support absent from our cities. "

Berber talked about the role of the university for all his children, his central role and his positive interaction with his environment:" So we organized a "summer festival" to proclaim the joy, inclusive language for all, since this council and since the taking charge of responsibility has provided an opportunity, but exploited to confirm the broad-based incubator diversity and differentiation of its children.

Berber pointed out that "the collective presence of today confirms this common will of all of us, to go forward, hand in hand, to break down all the imaginary barriers, and to say with a great confidence that we have lost a large part of it. We have managed to create channels of communication with various components, and the municipality confirms its openness to all ideas and suggestions.

After that, the structures of the Baalbek group presented their performances for an hour continuously, then the artist Fares Karam gave a concert. 19659003]

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