Opponents of the "Maarab Agreement": a share-sharing agreement


Sources opposed to the "Maarab Agreement" described what was revealed as "equivalent to scandal", the "forces" and "the current" promising Christians that they would bring them to a new stage of political presence and active role. "A quota agreement to share departmental, parliamentary and administrative sites, and distributed to parties and supporters."

These sources told Al-Gomhuriya newspaper: "Where are the Muslim beliefs in the agreement, which lacks any common perception to restore sovereignty and revive the role of legitimate institutions and the implementation of the constitution? "Even the agreement did not mention any common perception of the fight against corruption and economic reform, and basic issues such as electricity, oil, health, social affairs and The sources said: "The signature of both parties to a bilateral agreement can not nullify the constitution, especially in terms of equal rights and duties, which does not require management party balances and therefore does not limit party administrative positions.

These sources found in Marab's understanding "the abolition of political life and democracy in Lebanon, and the project of youth displacement and non-partisan skills for the benefit of political affiliation" and partisan ".

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