Our Ambassador in Beirut underlines Egypt's strong interest in stability in Lebanon


  Our Ambbadador in Beirut confirms Egypt's keen interest in stability in Lebanon
Our Ambbadador in Beirut confirms Egypt's keen interest in stability in Lebanon

Our Ambbadador to Lebanon Beirut confirms the keen interest of Egypt for the stability of Lebanon. "Our ambbadador to Beirut confirms Egypt's keen interest in achieving stability in Lebanon."

Saqr News 9th Leo 2018 | 2:30 pm

Egypt's ambbadador to Lebanon, Nazih El Naggari, stressed the keen interest of Egyptian leaders for national reconciliation and stability in Lebanon, stressing that the formation of the Lebanese government is very important for the tranquility of Lebanon.

In a statement to the press after a meeting with Prime Minister Saad Hariri in his residence at the center, the ambbadador said in a statement that bilateral relations were discussed in the presence of Dr. Mona Wahba, head of the commercial office of the Egyptian Embbady. Between the two countries, and the latest developments on the Lebanese arena, stressing that he conveyed to Hariri the attention of officials in Egypt, the stability of the situation in Lebanon, and wished him the success in forming the new government. He pointed out that during the meeting a number of issues of mutual interest were also addressed with regard to economic and trade relations, stressing the importance of seeking to raise them towards better horizons. .


The Egyptian ambbadador to Lebanon, Nazih al-Najari, stressed the great interest of the Egyptian leaders for national reconciliation and stability in Lebanon, emphasizing in this regard that the training of the Lebanese government is very important. To reach the calm of Lebanon.

In a statement to the press after a meeting with Prime Minister Saad Hariri in his residence at the center, the ambbadador said in a statement that bilateral relations were discussed in the presence of Dr. Mona Wahba, head of the commercial office of the Egyptian Embbady. Between the two countries, and the latest developments on the Lebanese arena, stressing that he conveyed to Hariri the attention of officials in Egypt, the stability of the situation in Lebanon, and wished him the success in forming the new government. He pointed out that during the meeting a number of issues of mutual interest were also addressed with regard to economic and trade relations, stressing the importance of seeking to raise them towards better horizons. .

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Our correspondent in Beirut confirms the strong interest of Egypt for stability in Lebanon Follow us on the social networking sites of our site to receive new information. Related Topics

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