Owning a phone for iPhone means you have a high income


The Apple iPhone is the most common symbol of wealth, according to a new research paper from the National Bureau of Economic Research, which aims to develop demographics based on consumer behavior and the consumption of the media. Marianne Bertrand and Amir Kamenica, who badyze temporary temporal trends among groups in the United States, identified by income, education, gender, race, and political ideology. They measure the cultural distance between two groups as the ability to infer a group based on their media consumption, consumer behavior, time and social attitudes, and find that there is not a only brand that displays a high income.

According to the study, the possession of an iPhone gives researchers a 69.1% chance to conclude that the owner of the phone has a high income.Searching, owning the iPad Tablet iPad can also be an indication of wealth, but a little less 66.9%, and owning an Android phone gives researchers a 59.5% chance of correctly predicting that the family has a high income.

According to research, the recent trend shows that iPhone phones are closely related to high income, although iPhone phones were introduced in 2007, while the purchase of a new car or possession From a personal computer was a sign in 2004 The family has a high income, while the strongest evidence that the family is rich depends in 1992 to own an automatic dishwasher or an autoresponder.

Having an iPhone does not mean that the person is rich, but the device itself is a more reliable indicator of a person's belonging to the high-income segment: l & # 39; 39; iPhone is a luxury product at a higher price than competing smartphones; The phones, which run on the Android mobile operating system, are low-cost and sold for under $ 100, Apple recently increased the price of its high-end iPhone X to $ 999 or more.

Apple maintains support for its old phones The current version of the iOS 11 operating system supports five different generations of iPhone 5S dating phones, released in 2013, and later this year, IOS 12 operating system, it will continue to support all these generations of devices, in addition to all the phones announced by the company this fall.

Researchers used data from Mediamark Research Intelligence, with a sample of 6394. The study data includes semiannual questionnaires as well as other information such as family income.

This article examines how the preferences of different groups differ over time: economists used an automatic learning algorithm to conclude that cultural differences do not increase over time between groups. This huge measure goes against the popular stories of the United States. More and more divided. "

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