Photo: Clooney is exposed to a traffic accident … It's his health


The global actor George Clooney was exposed to a traffic accident on a motorcycle in Italy.

In detail, the 57-year-old star drove his motorcycle on the road to Costa Coralina in Sardinia,

The wife of Lebanese lawyer, Amal Alamuddin, was immediately transferred to the company. John Paul II hospital to be treated there, although he was not seriously injured, but suffered a pelvic injury and bruising. In the legs and arms, according to international media.

The hospital that was evacuated

The cameras of the Babarazzi were able to take pictures of the car that struck the American star, where the photos showed damage to the front of the car, George Clooney spends the summer with his wife Amal on the charming island, to shoot his new series "Catch 22", where the couple rents a luxury villa to a businessman close to the 39, former Italian President Silvio Berlusconi. (Function) (n, f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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