Photos – a feminine look of "Cyrine Abdel Nour" in white .. And a comment from fashion expert


Here are the details of this story in pictures – A female view of "Cyrine Abdel Nour" in white .. And a young fashion comment

Photos – Female view of "Cyrine Abdel Nour" in white .. And a fashion hanging

08:00 [ Written by Basma Mashali:

Lebanese singer Sereen Abdel Nour played in an attractive look of the signature of fashion designer Nicolas Gibran at a wedding party.

Serene publishes her own collection, a collection of photographs in which she appears at the pinnacle of her femininity and elegance. She wears a sleeveless white dress in soft and distinguished satin in the opening of the top of the knee to the last dress.

The comments of those who followed her, who were spinning her and her beauty, were impressed and expressed their admiration for her distinctive appearance.

Lebanese fashion critic Eli Hanna commented on his official page on the photo and video exchange site "Instagram" on Sirin: "The view is very beautiful and luxurious, the dress is so sweet, the jewel is harmonious with the dress, makeup has increased its beauty "

Thank you, visitors of the day, for browsing on our website.If you have questions about this current photo, a feminine view of" Cyrine Abdel Nour "in white .. and a fashion expert.
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