Photos – An extraordinary night in the rice … Magda El Roumi in a musical show


The second night of the Cedar International Festivals was outstanding in its content with the artist Magda Al-Roumi and featured a musical performance on the five archaeological sites inscribed on the World Heritage List: Qadisha Valley, Forest of Cedar, Baalbek, Anjar, Tire and Jubail. The Minister of Tourism of the Interim Government, Awadis Kedianian, the representative of the Parliament Nabih Berri The Deputy Mustapha Husseini, the representative of the President in charge of the Government, Saad Hariri The Deputy Sami Fatfat, Patriarch The Maronite Maris Bishara Boutros-Ra & # 39; i Head of the Lebanese Forces Party Dr. Samir Geagea, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Health of the Interim Government Ghbadan Hasbani, Minister of Information of the Interim Government Melhem Riyashi, Deputy Hadi Abulhbadan Representative of the President of the Progressive Socialist Party Zair and former MP Walid Jumblatt, a number of deputies, ambbadadors and politicians, and a host of judicial, economic, media and cultural personalities.

The festival was inaugurated with a recap of the concert of the international artist Shakira on July 13th. After the presentation of "MAPPING 3D" of the five archaeological sites inscribed on the World Heritage List, a film evokes the past and the history of these cultural sites and visual images, as well as a poetic poem of the words and performances of the great poet Nizar Francis accompanied by a special soundtrack of Father Khalil Rahma. The film is concluded by a particular four-dimensional representation and distinct from Wadi Qadisha's movement and a tangible presence during the presentation.

After the national anthem, Strida Geagea, president of the International Rice Festivals, entered the theater with the music of Michel Fadel: "I stand before you for the fourth year in a row to confirm that we are responsible for "We are charged with a legacy as rooted as rice in this land and spread over an area of ​​10,452 square kilometers, the space that the Creator wanted to meet and interact with. Celestial religions, human civilizations and the history of the world. It's a coincidence that you meet in our small country with its size and size "From Jbeil, the cradle of human civilization, from which was born the world's first alphabet, came to Baalbek, the city ​​of the sun shining in the history of humanity, telling stories that are known only by its columns.And images of the founding of Carthage and the largest Phoenician cities known for their conquests and their championships, in the history of Anjar, witness of the Umayyad civilization … Greetings and greetings. "

" Lebanon is a historical laboratory for the real world, but it is also today A continuous address with all the countries of the world through its sons spread all over the world.All Lebanese, Lebanese and Lebanese, spread all over the world, carry a message of peace, civilization and development to the service of all humanity. "These scattered Lebanese d the whole world insisted two months ago on their democratic system, In Lebanon and abroad to renew confidence in the homeland

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