Players named for the 2018 World Cup Semifinal Gold Ball


Semi-finalists of the 2018 World Cup World Cup, Sport 360 tells you about the site of Al Wasat, which contains the news of the Golden Ball candidates of the semi-finals of the World Cup 2018.

World 2018, where the Russian team – the host country – to stay the surprise continued in the most exciting championship of recent years the testimony of all fans.

England has qualified for the semi-finals after defeating Sweden with a double of two titles for Harry Maguire and DeLay I. For the first time since 1990.

After a start chilly, Maguire In stride, bypbading control and following the corner of Ashley Young to open the record of the meeting, followed by goalkeeper Jordaan Beckford in the second half when he brilliantly saved the head of Marcos Berg, Dili doubled the score in front of teammate Jesse Lengard.

The most difficult match between the Russian team and the Croatian team, where the biggest surprise was the loss of the Russian bear 3/4, was marked by the goals of the Russian Karvad and Veda, as well as by both teams.

Finally, Croatia was in the semifinals, having played well throughout the match, despite the equalizer, she was the best in the penalty shootout and Subasic once again gave up her behavior and contributed significantly to the semifinal.

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Croatia moves his host country To reach the semifinals of the World Cup 2018

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a (19659005) Goal of Croatia in the goal of Russia

Killer O Croatia .. Purpose of Vida in the goal of the Republic of Sweden


Equalization and goal of Russia against Croatia

Shots of penalty against Croatia and Russia

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