Please pray a lot, and the latter wishes to wonder


A double stay between Geagea and the shepherd, and Lebanon waiting for a miracle

On the occasion of the commemoration of the day of Saint Charbel, Samir Geagea, leader of the Lebanese Forces Party , visit the people of Bekaa. During the performance of the Maronite Patriarch Bishara Al-Ra, I prayed to the saint to end the crisis and follow the people concerned with the power of Saint Charbel to make the decision, the mayor of the Bekaa Kafra Elie Makhlouf revealed in his speech: "Hakim commented during the Patriarchs' wish for the mbades to pray for the end of one

On the other hand, the newspaper pointed out that Geagea and the shepherd held a bilateral meeting in the church lounge, which has focused on the crisis of the government situation, without revealing the contents of Geagea, "We recognize that there are still difficulties that n & # 39; Have not yet been overcome, as far as the government is concerned, "he said," the knot is not only Christian, and we have not come out of the area to come back. "[19659003] "Lebanese," the newspaper that the meeting "was excellent, and processed more than one naturalization file at The author, noting that "Geagea Nuh B The Patriarch added that" Geagea emphasized his commitment to reconciliation and understanding, and thanked the Patriarch for his care and care, explaining the reasons that led to this situation. "[65]" Emphasizing that "this understanding nullifies and refers to a political agreement between the Free Patriotic Movement and the Lebanese forces, and the objective is far from the quota, but the formation of a model experience by revitalizing the role of institutions in appointments. "The same sources emphasize that" Geagea is anxious to put the patriarch in the form of any governmental or national development or understanding. "

In turn, the Patriarch revealed to the newspaper a wonder that we wish to" get out of the stalemate in which we live. "" We ask this wonder of Saint-Charbel that we seek peace for this East and the end of the wars and the return of displaced persons to their homes, and we ask them to miracle, in our lives and in our Christ, happens to live in society In this context, the newspaper "Asharq Al-Awsat" states that "any delay in the formation of the government has political, economic, social and security implications" , where the shepherd says: "pray for the formation of the government". This is expected by everyone and can not be delayed because everyone knows that each delay in its composition has negative repercussions on the political, economic, social and security stability, but also its repercussions on the international level. Last April, the Paris conference "Lebanese Forces and the Progressive Socialist Party continued to take responsibility for the failure of the free patriotic movement's consensus, in particular, to support Lebanon in economic progress and reforms. needed in the infrastructure and structures. "

About what became known as the Christian knot and the Druze knot. "

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