Pompeo insists that sanctions remain in force in North Korea until nuclear disarmament is fully realized


US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo confirmed Sunday in Tokyo that sanctions against Pyongyang would remain in place until North Korea's nuclear weapons were completely evacuated.

Pompeo said at a press conference after talks with his Japanese and South Korean counterparts that sanctions would remain in place for North Korea to "fully and fully verify nuclear disarmament."
"Although we are considering the progress made during these encouraging talks, they can not simply justify softening the existing sanctions regime," said Pompeo, who arrived in Tokyo after a two-day visit to Pyongyang.

Pompeo emphasized the importance of monitoring the completion of nuclear disarmament.

For the US Secretary of State, it is "nuclear disarmament in a broad sense", that is to say the full range of weapons. "North Koreans understand this and have not opposed it," he said.

and that there will be a process of "verification related to the complete disarmament of nuclear weapons, which has been approved by President (Donald) Trump and President Kim (Jong-un)".

In Tokyo, Pompeo will meet Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, as well as the Foreign Ministers of Japan and South Korea, in a gesture that has been recognized by Washington's major allies in Asia.
On Friday and Saturday, the US emissary held eight-hour talks with North Korean officials in Pyongyang, to find concrete solutions to the agreement reached between Trump and Kim at their historic summit on the 12th. June in Singapore.

Pompeo appeared calm Sunday in Tokyo, although the peace process between the United States and North Korea saw Saturday that Pyongyang rejected Washington's demands as "ganglike".

The Secretary of State said, "President Trump and I believe these peace efforts are worth it."

Pompeo had just left Pyongyang for Tokyo when the North Korean Foreign Ministry criticized the "very unhappy" position of the United States during the talks.

Pyongyang felt that the US side had violated the spirit of the Singapore agreement, condemning US "unilateral and greedy" demands for nuclear disarmament.

and warned that "the United States would make a fatal mistake if it is considered that North Korea will be forced to accept (…) the claims reflect gang-type", according to the official Korean news agency. f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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