Pompey: Iran's rulers are corrupt hypocrites and support their people so that it is not nightmarish


Tehran accuses US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo of ingesting his domestic affairs, and Washington seeks to "destroy him" after calling his leaders "hypocrites" and corrupt saying that they made great fortunes to the detriment of the sufferings of their people. Iran's Foreign Ministry spokesman, Bahram Qasimi, said Pompeo's remarks "are evidence of America's interference in our internal affairs and consistent with its policies aimed at destabilizing" . Stability in the region, "emphasizing that" the cohesion of the Iranian people will be the best response to the interventions of US officials and politicians. "

He called the US minister's speech" hypocrisy and foolishness and propaganda campaign. "Al US President Donald Trump warned his Iranian counterpart Hbadan Rowhani of" the repercussions of his threat on the states " "Having warned that he would" regret "his" lion's brothel ", saying that a military conflict between Washington and Tehran would be" the mother of all wars. "Secretary General of the Iranian Council of discernment, Mohsen Rezai, commented on Trump's tirade: "You must warn Trump. Beware of you crazy because you have more than 50,000 soldiers in the direction of Iran.

General Gholamhossein Gheb Prur, commander of "Mobilization" (Basij), said that "Trump's statements against Iran are a psychological warfare". For our revolutionary beliefs, we will resist the pressure of enemies. America does not want less than the destruction of Iran, but [Trump] can not touch it. "

But the position of MP Hishmatullah Falah Bishah, head of the National Security and Foreign Policy Committee of the Iranian Shura (parliament) Stressing that his country has been" irritated since Trump's response to it "; Tehran's diplomatic engagement, the withdrawal of the United States from the "nuclear agreement" between Iran and the six countries in 2015. He added that both presidents "expressed themselves and Washington.

Statements by Iranian officials came after Pompeii received a warm welcome from E. Expressing at the Ronald Reagan Library in California, claiming that the Tehran regime was "a nightmare for the Iranian people". "The Iranian leaders, especially those who lead the Revolution Guards and the Quds Force, must pay a heavy price for their decision," he said. Iranian President Hbadan Rowhani and Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif described them as "a glamorous facade of ayatollahs' brilliance in international fraud". "The level of corruption and wealth among the regime's leaders shows that what governs Iran is more a mafia than a government."

Diversion and favors and other illegal gains, saying that they are "hypocrites who care more about wealth than religion." "We are not afraid to target the regime at the highest level," he said. He stressed that "the case is not over", reiterating that the United States want "the regime to change its behavior to a large extent, inside the country or on the scene international ", and rejects the distinction between a hard regime and a moderate of the Iranian regime. The Iranian government "has tirelessly repressed the human rights of its people, its dignity and its fundamental freedoms". "The proud Iranians are not silent about the violations of their government," he said, "the grievances are different, but all those who express discontent are involved in one thing: they were mistreated by a revolutionary regime Iranians want to be governed with dignity, responsibility and respect. "" It is ultimately up to the Iranians to determine the course of their country, and the United States will support the long-ignored voice of the Iranian people. "

Pompey pointed out that "the United States under President Trump will not remain silent either.In light of the protests (in Iran in recent months) and 40 years of regime tyranny, I have a message to the Iranian people: The United States listens and supports you. "

Iranian cleric Nbader Makarem Shirazi earns more than $ 100 million Adding cleric Mohammad Imami Kashani had accumulated millions after government has transferred the ownership of profitable mines to his establishment, he says that Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei controls the $ 95 billion Citad Foundation, Pompeo said the US was pushing for diplomatic and financial pressure to cut Tehran funding, with a focus on reimposing sanctions on the banking and energy sectors, and reiterated its call for all countries in the world to reduce their Iranian oil supplies at the "nearest possible zero point" by November 4, warning that their inability to do so would expose them to US sanctions. "We are asking every nation, every country fed up and tired of the destructive behavior of Iran, to join our pressure campaign." This is especially true of our allies in the Middle East and Europe, who have been terrorized by the violent activity of the regime for decades. "

Pompeo announced the promotion of the US propaganda campaign targeting the Iranian regime."

The Trump administration also takes steps to help Iranians to bypbad Internet censorship: "Ordinary Iranians, both in Iran and around the world, know that America stands by their side."

warned a spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs A German newspaper reported that the war threats between Washington and Tehran "do not profit", while Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hailed "a firm position expressed by Trump and Pompio against the hostility of the Iranian regime ".

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