Quds News Agency – The enemy refuses to "calm down" and seeks to break the base of "bombing"


Regional and international forces have been pressuring factions of Palestinian resistance in the besieged Gaza Strip since Saturday morning, bombings and raids of the Zionist warplane, while a senior official said that Israel rejected attempts to "calm."

Israeli intelligence and United Nations envoy to the Middle East, Nikolai Mladenov, have had intensive contacts with the entity and Hamas to prevent further escalation and restore calm

The Hebrew website "Wala" To calm the situation in the area, b "Israel" refuses the Egyptian and Qatari mediation to put an end to the escalation.

IDF Chief of Staff Gen. Gadi Eisenkot held a Saturday afternoon badessment of the situation in Gaza Division.

During the meeting, the activities of the military and security authorities were examined and ready to extend the scope of operational measures as needed, the military announced in a statement to the media

. Armed activities led by Hamas in the Siyag Moi region and against rocket fire into towns and fires in the south. An army will increase the pace of its raids in the Gaza Strip as long as necessary. And we will continue to improve security and improve the security of people in the south.

After the military escalation, Haaretz military badyst Amos Harel said Saturday that Zionist security forces were discussing the expansion of responses to rocket fire. said the Security Council, "Israel" mini – (cabinet) meet Sunday morning, to discuss the situation in Gaza

The military badyst said that the Israeli army has decided to continue the aerial strike in Gaza The base of the bombing, he said.

And probably Harel and Joe The main disagreement between the two parties is the lack of consensus on a new agreement of exchange between Israel and Hamas.

Israeli raids continued their raids in various areas of the Gaza Strip, after a new occupation of the artillery on Saturday afternoon, bombarding resistance sites and farmland in various areas. of the sector and attacking a May belonging to a commander of the Al-Quds Brigades. The estimate is estimated by badyst "Yediot Ahronot", who sees the escalation of military planes and artillery on the occupation of the Gaza Strip, also trying to break the rules that Hamas is trying to impose.

He explained that the army sent a letter to Hamas. "According to Ben Yishai, the army is ready and ready to climb, it is likely that in case of launching a comprehensive military operation, Hamas may lose control over the army, Rule and control of the Gaza Strip, pointing out that military leaders do not

MP Amir Peretz called the "Zionist opposition camp" to return to the policy of badbadinations adopted by the government. occupation army against members of rocket firing on Israel

On the ground, media reported to the enemy that resistance was no longer firing rockets and missiles after the pressure of mediators waiting for Zionist response to mediators to stop raids on Gaza

These allegations were renewed after launch day (19659002)

However, Palestinian sources said that factions of resistance would stop firing rockets gradually until complete agreement is reached, but in the case of

A spokesman for the enemy army said the raids targeted 40 localities, including the headquarters of the Izz al-Din al-Qbadam Brigades in Beit Lahiya, as well as the infrastructure and stocks of combat vehicles of the naval force

Hamas will not allow the occupation to be unique to bombardment of the Palestinian people "The escalation of climbing in the occupation will not change the equation or will not impose a new reality or stop the march of the return and resistance. "

A Hamas spokesman said in a statement to the media. "The occupation will not allow the occupation to be unique to the bombing of our people and its reaction will be present at every escalation and the occupation will bear the consequences."

The Islamic Jihad movement has stated: "The resistance will not hesitate to respond to any aggression against occupation. And the obligation to exercise, bombarding and bombarding the time that attacks us unanswered, the time is over and over. "[19659] 024] Source: Arabic 48

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