Ragheb Alama is accused of normalization with Israel.


<img id = "47" src = "https://www.raya.ps/cached_uploads/full/2018/07/22/raya-4-1532257775.jpg" width = "600" height = "124 "alt =" The boycott campaign of supporters of Israel in Lebanon issued a statement in which Ragheb Alama called for the dissolution and dissolution of the agreement with Hublot Watches as his advertising in the Middle East after his celebration of the 70th anniversary.

The movement stated in its statement: "Some time ago, we learned that Hublot watches were celebrating their 70th anniversary of the creation of the Zionist entity. Since Ragheb Alama has been an ambbadador for this company in the Middle East for a while, we went to him, through his own email, via his account on Facebook, and through his manager Ali Khalil.

But the artist does not move: Justified, did not explain, did not back down, did not progress. We also contacted his manager, Mr. Khader Taga, who promised to come back to us, but he did not come back. "

" The artist could have reported that he was not aware of the company's plan. He could have sworn not to hire her anymore because she did not care about the feelings of the victims of the occupation. He was able to explain the terms of the contract to justify his reluctance to lose as a result of his waiver of the contract. "The popularity of any artist, no matter how big, does not give him the immunity to ask why he is silent about his relationship with a famous company celebrating 70 years."

Years of killing our people in Palestine and Lebanon. "The pbadport given by the Palestinian Authority, or by others, does not exempt it from criticism and responsibility."

The campaign concluded: "We hope to make public any new contract with this company.

In his response to criticism against him and to the appeal of the Lebanese writer Pierre Abi Saab to clarify the question with his emphasis on the patriot Ragheb Alamah, the Lebanese artist refused to withdraw from his post.As the official ambbadador of the company, justified not to be responsible for this case, placing the responsibility on the shoulders of the state that allowed the company to open a branch in Lebanon.

In one of his responses, he said: "Professor Pierre Aziz. If you are really convinced of what you are saying, why do not you send letters of accusation to the issuing authorities and the district office, which allowed the opening of stores to the name. of business in Lebanon, Syria and the Arab world? They are responsible for the fight against standardization. The accusation affects everyone, I think. "

He added in another answer:" Just an idea and a reminder. Ragheb Alama is not the agent of the company is the face of my announcement only and the company is Swiss and has not given the company a license to open its branches in Lebanon. The question is, is the Lebanese state in a state of normalization ?!

The boycott of Israel's supporters in Lebanon asked Lebanese singer Ragheb Alama to make the decision and end his relationship with Hublot, a world watch company,

She said there are three weeks on his blog: "The respected artist @raghebalama, the Hublot watch company celebrates the 70th anniversary of the creation of the Israeli entity." We urge you to take the appropriate position in accordance with what we We know of you as a victory for the right of the Palestinian people. "

In 2015, Hublot announced the appointment of Ragheb Alamah Ambbadador to the Middle East and Africa, and at the end of last year he attended a friendly meeting in Kuwait with Marco Tedeski, regional director for the Middle East and Africa and creative director of Hublot Hours, along with a number of representatives of local newspapers and magazines.

Ragheb Alama holds égaleme Palestinian citizenship after President Mahmoud Abbas granted it in 2013.

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