The Kuwaiti fascist Rowan bin Hussein surprised his followers via Instagram by announcing his wedding without revealing the identity of the person that she married.
Rowan began to receive questions from her supporters to answer them, and the following questions were asked: "Are you married?" Rawan responded in the affirmative and tried to discover the identity of the person you had married. Is this person the same person with whom she had a relationship or a new person?
Rawan bin Hussein announced his separation from his fiance and accused him of treason. She published the picture of her new girlfriend and exposed their order, but she quickly made a new surprise to her faithful, announcing her return to her fiance and sending a romantic apology for this accusation.
Ben Hussein posted a photo of her with her fiance on Instagram and commented on it: "For the sake of my life, sorry if I hurt you or your beautiful family. that I would like to be part of it. "
"For your beautiful sisters and niece, when you're in love, you do stupid things, you think you can hurt him but you hurt yourself."
"I look forward to spending the rest of my life with you because death separates us," she concluded.
Source: fuchsia
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