Real Madrid decides to get rid of Theo Hernandez and sell it this summer


The Spanish club Real Madrid decided to abandon the player Theo Hernández and sell it to any other team during the period. The current summer transfer.

Theo moved to Real last season of Atletico Madrid, but could not book a key place with former coach Zinedine Zidane.

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With the difficulty of changing the situation with the current coach Juleen Lobetigi, Erramm decided to sell the player.

The Spanish newspaper Marca has confirmed that the next few days may be witnessing the departure of the player

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The real ones will have a hard time selling it with the same amount that they spent at Atletico for 28 million euros.

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The player's salary may also seem to be another obstacle to his move, earning 5 million euros this year. season.

His job, to find his offers from other Italian or English clubs.

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