Relative calm


Publication date: 11/07/2018

d. Hbadan cities

for the artist Ziad Rahbani beautiful musical work entitled "relative calm". I think Ziad inspired the title of his work from the phrase that was common during the civil war in Lebanon, where he was working during this period, and Lebanese radio broadcasts daily reports on security in traditional areas of the country. engagement in this war, from the approach of these areas, and where these clashes are calmed on other axes describing the situation as "relative calm", sometimes "calm and cautious", two expressions that resonate in their ears indicate that the situation could again explode.
Ziad Estouhi Only this, and the music that he developed was full Call to escape the noise. It is not only the calm of the mind, the temporary tranquility, nor the total tranquility that the soul usually looks for, but that it realizes, which are often impossible under the many pressures of which a person is a victim.
As defined in one of the scientific noise encyclopedias, it says "a set of unwanted signals that negatively affect the reception of a useful signal. "Noise is generally defined as an unwanted sound phenomenon, regardless of its nature and intensity."
If the noise is true, what about calm, contrast or contrast?
Some researchers claim that there are very few years they used different types of noise and silence to monitor the effect of sound in the rat brain. The results are amazing: when the mice undergo a silence of two hours a day, they develop new cells in the hippocampus; The region responsible for the guilty feelings and learning.
Leave the mouse. We all know, and from our own experiences, that when we fall into ourselves, we feel that our thoughts flow more easily, and that ideas and implications converge into one focus, which helps us shape our positions or to make appropriate decisions.
Even if we do not make such decisions, being calm, for calm alone, brings us a sense of peace and comfort, no matter whether our brain is active or relaxed, but we feel that it works more clearly and better.
For us about others, especially those we love and happy to be close, but others may If the extreme words of Jean-Paul Sartre are quoted: "The others are the 39; hell. " But the most telling is that written by the Greek Kazantzaki: "Unity is the natural environment of man."

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