The new feature, called "Dictation", allows the user to convert their recorded voice message from the phone's microphone to written text.
The development of this feature is a result of the difficulty of sending long text messages, and voice messages may not be appropriate in all cases and for all listening places.
This prompted Watsab to add this feature, which translates the spoken words into written text, as I explained.
The company added that she had added this feature to the latest update and that it was available under Android and OS operating systems.
This feature is accessible through the black microphone icon in the upper right corner of the Android keyboard (not just the voice chat icon). On the iPhone, users will find the microphone next to the space bar in the writing pad.
If you want to type a comma, a question mark, a dot or other punctuation mark, say "comma" or "question mark" and the others with a loud voice.
Once you have the message, you can read it before sending it.
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