Ria Abi Rashed reveals the truth of the change of the jury "Arabs Gute Talent" .. And emphasizes: I am an old precision!


<img width = "590" height = "295" src = "https://www.alhiwar.co/temp/resized/medium_2018-07-10-aaba430a44.jpg" clbad = "wp-post-image "alt =" Ria Abi Rashed reveals the truth of the change of the jury of "Arabs Gute Talent" .. and emphasizes: I am an old precision!] Ria Abi Rashed reveals the truth of the change of the jury "Arabs Gutt Talent" .. And Stresses: I am an old precision! Ria Abi Rashed reveals the truth of the arbitration committee's change, "Arab Gute Talent" .. And emphasizes: I am old precision !, Ria Abi Rashid reveals the truth of the committee's change Arbitration, "Arab Gute Talent" .. And Stresses: I'm Old Precision! We publish new news through the Al-Hawar newspaper and starting with the most important news, Ria Abi Rashed reveals the truth about the jury change of "Arab Gutt Talent" ..

Raya Abi Rashid is one of the women journalists

Fabian Aoun

Ria Abi Rashed is one of the women journalists who managed to leave a distinctive mark on the scene through her spontaneity and effectiveness that made her shine with the introduction of the Gault Talent Arab program, which allowed him to enter every Arab home.

This remarkable medium completed its brilliance by resuming its new cinematographic experience through the film "The Transylvania 3" that she had opened at the Empire City cinema in the Beirut markets.

The accompanying video features Al-Hawar's interview with Ria Abi Rashed, who spoke about her new cinematic film experience, as well as the subject of the Arab Gute Talent program.

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The Al-Hayat newspaper, Ria Abi Rashed reveals the truth of the change of the jury of "Arab Gutt Talent" .. And confirms: I am old! Follow us on the social networking sites of our site to receive new news constantly. Author

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